⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Bitrhythm

Artifact Content

Artifact 10d106afb51a446f85e6534fb237957f5e1fad5af6f2b33656e79ccbc1a230a8:

  <h1>{ title }</h1>
  <my-post each={ posts }>
    <a href={ this.parent.backToHome }>Back to home</a>
    <div onclick={ this.parent.deleteAllPosts }>Delete all the posts</div>

  this.backToHome = '/homepage'
  this.title = 'my blog title'

  this.posts = [
    { title: "post 1", description: 'my post description' },
    { title: "post 2", description: 'my post description' }

  // the bind is needed in this case to keep the parent context
  // also in the child tags
  deleteAllPosts() {
    this.posts = []

    // we need to trigger manually the update function
    // because this function gets triggered from a child tag
    // and it does not bubble up automatically


  <h2>{ title }</h2>
  <p>{ description }</p>