⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Bitrhythm

Artifact Content

Artifact 1d7dce1477e62bc11dc50eb48ae4fbbc358056661033a0284dbd0a8a12c72148:

'use strict';

let ButtonTemplate = require('../components/buttontemplate');

* TextButton
* @description Text button
* @demo <span nexus-ui="textButton"></span>
* @example
* var textbutton = new Nexus.TextButton('#target')
* @example
* var textbutton = new Nexus.TextButton('#target',{
*     'size': [150,50],
*     'state': false,
*     'text': 'Play',
*     'alternateText': 'Stop'
* })
* @output
* change
* Fires any time the interface's value changes. <br>
* The event data is a <i>string</i> of the text on the button at the moment it was clicked.
* @outputexample
* textbutton.on('change',function(v) {
*   console.log(v);
* })

export default class TextButton extends ButtonTemplate {

  constructor() {

    let options = ['value'];

    let defaults = {
      'size': [150,50],
      'state': false,
      'text': 'Play'


    this._text = this.settings.text;

    if(this.settings.alternate){ //TODO: Remove this conditional in a breaking-changes release
      this.settings.alternateText = this.settings.alternate;
      console.warn("'alternate' initiator is deprecated. Use 'alternateText' instead.");
    this._alternateText = this.settings.alternateText;
    this.mode = (this.settings.alternateText) ? 'toggle' : 'button';

    this.state = this.settings.state;


  buildFrame() {

    this.element = document.createElement('div');

    this.textElement = document.createElement('div');
    this.textElement.innerHTML = this._text;

  buildInterface() {


  colorInterface() {
    this.element.style.color = this.colors.dark;

  sizeInterface() {
      let textsize = this.height/3;
      let textsize2 = (this.width / (this._text.length + 2) );
      textsize = Math.min(textsize,textsize2);
      if (this.alternateText) {
        let textsize3 = (this.width / (this.alternateText.length + 2) );
        textsize = Math.min(textsize,textsize3);
      let styles = 'width: ' + this.width + 'px;';
      styles += 'height: ' + this.height + 'px;';
      styles += 'padding: '+(this.height-textsize)/2+'px 0px;';
      styles += 'box-sizing: border-box;';
      styles += 'text-align: center;';
      styles += 'font-family: inherit;';
      styles += 'font-weight: 700;';
      styles += 'opacity: 1;';
      styles += 'font-size:' + textsize + 'px;';
      this.textElement.style.cssText = styles;

  render() {
    if (!this.state) {
      this.element.style.backgroundColor = this.colors.fill;
      this.textElement.style.color = this.colors.dark;
      this.textElement.innerHTML = this._text;
    } else {
      this.element.style.backgroundColor = this.colors.accent;
      this.textElement.style.color = this.colors.fill;
      if (this.alternateText) {
        this.textElement.innerHTML = this._alternateText;
      } else {
        this.textElement.innerHTML = this._text;

  The text to display when the button is in its "on" state. If set, this puts the button in "toggle" mode.
  @type {String}
  get alternateText() {
    return this._alternateText;

  set alternateText(text) {
    if (text) {
      this.mode = 'toggle';
    } else {
      this.mode = 'button';
    this._alternateText = text;

  The text to display. (If .alternateText exists, then this .text will only be displayed when the button is in its "off" state.)
  @type {String}
  get text() {
    return this._text;

  set text(text) {
    this._text = text;
