⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Bitrhythm

Artifact Content

Artifact 4ce30921f2d071701474cda2f0ce551224045ba7aff0471b307cefa3fea9ec28:

  The main container. It is not neccesary but holds common data and all the
  the tags, so the test only needs one call to mount("table-test") to work.

  <table data-is="table-caption"
    header={ header }
    footer={ footer } rows={ rows } widths={ widths }/>

  <table data-is="table-colgroup"
    header={ header }
    footer={ footer } rows={ rows } widths={ widths }/>

  <table data-is="table-looped-col"
    header={ header }
    footer={ footer } rows={ rows } widths={ widths }/>

  <table data-is="table-multi-col"
    header={ header }
    footer={ footer } rows={ rows } widths={ widths }/>

  <table data-is="table-tfoot"
    header={ header }
    footer={ footer } rows={ rows } widths={ widths }/>

  <table data-is="table-tr-body-only"
    header={ header }
    footer={ footer } rows={ rows } widths={ widths }/>

  <table data-is="table-tr-alone"
    header={ header }
    footer={ footer } rows={ rows } widths={ widths }/>

  <table data-is="table-custom-thead-tfoot"
    header={ header }
    footer={ footer } rows={ rows } widths={ widths }/>

  this.widths = [150, 200]
  this.header = ['H-1', 'H-2']
  this.footer = ['F-1', 'F-2']
  this.rows = [['R1-C1', 'R1-C2'], ['R2-C1', 'R2-C2']]

<!-- The nested riot tags -->

    <col each={ width in opts.widths } width="{ width }">
    <tr each={ row in opts.rows }>
      <td each={ cell in row }>{ cell }</td>

    <col each={ width in opts.widths } width="{ width }">
    <tr><th each={ cell in opts.header }>{ cell }</th></tr>
    <tr each={ row in opts.rows }>
      <td each={ cell in row }>{ cell }</td>

  <col each={ width in opts.widths } width="{ width }">
    <tr><th each={ cell in opts.header }>{ cell }</th></tr>
    <tr each={ row in opts.rows }>
      <td each={ cell in row }>{ cell }</td>

<!-- table starting with a multiple cols, without colgroup -->
  <col width="{ opts.widths[0] }">
  <col width="{ opts.widths[1] }">
    <tr><th each={ cell in opts.header }>{ cell }</th></tr>
    <tr each={ row in opts.rows }>
      <td each={ cell in row }>{ cell }</td>

<!-- table starting with a tfoot -->
    <tr><td each={ cell in opts.footer }>{ cell }</td></tr>
    <tr each={ row in opts.rows }>
      <td each={ cell in row }>{ cell }</td>

<!-- table with a looped TR, without TBODY -->
  <tr each={ row in opts.rows }>
    <td each={ cell in row }>{ cell }</td>

<!-- table with single literal TR, without expressions -->

<!-- table with all the main elements as riot tags (2 tbody) -->
  <colgroup data-is="tag-colgroup" widths={ opts.widths }/>
  <thead data-is="tag-thead" rows={ opts.header }/>
  <tfoot data-is="tag-tfoot" rows={ opts.footer }/>
  <tbody data-is="tag-tbody" rows={ opts.rows }/>
  <tbody data-is="tag-tbody" rows={ opts.rows }/>

<!-- riot tags for the main table elements -->
  <col each={ width in opts.widths } width={ width }>
  <tr><td each={ cell in opts.rows }>{ cell }</td></tr>
  <tr><td each={ cell in opts.rows }>{ cell }</td></tr>
  <tr each={ row in opts.rows }>
    <td each={ cell in row }>{ cell }</td>