⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Bitrhythm

Artifact Content

Artifact 705df6263e0f29f8a56c05fe6627bf6ab61529f6b61a37c0c7836b05abfb9615:

  • File public/demo.js — part of check-in [941581eece] at 2022-02-15 23:20:56 on branch trunk — Cleanup post presentation Worklet code (user: dev size: 8397)
  • File public/first.js — part of check-in [941581eece] at 2022-02-15 23:20:56 on branch trunk — Cleanup post presentation Worklet code (user: dev size: 8397)

volume_guard1 = guard([-20,15])
Tone.Master.volume.value = volume_guard1(Math.round(dials[0]["cell"]() * 30) -20);

intro = [
   cellx("p x000 0000 0000 0000 "),

main = [
    cellx("p x[2;^C2;+0.01]000 0000 x[0.1]0x[1]0 00x[1]0 "),
    cellx("p 0000 x000 0000 x000 "),
    cellx("p x0x0 x0x0 x0x0 x0x0 "),
    cellx("p x000 0000 0000 0000 "),
    cellx("p 0000 0000 0000 0000"),
	cellx("p 0000 0000 0000 0000"),

bass = [
   	cellx("p x[2;^C2;+0.01]000 0000 x[0.1]0x[1]0 00x[1]0 "),
    cellx("p 0000 x000 0000 x000 "),
    cellx("p x0x0 x0x0 x0x0 x0x0 "),
    cellx("p x000 0000 0000 0000 "),
    cellx("p x[^B2]x.00 x[^B2]x.x[^B2]x. x[^B2]x.x[^B2]x.x[^B2]x.0 "),
    cellx("p 00x[^D3]0 000x[^A2] 00x[^A2]x[^A2] 0x[^A2]0x[^A2] "), 

end = [
 	cellx("p x[2;^C2;+0.01]000 0000 x[0.1]0x[1]0 00x[1]0 "),
    cellx("p 0000 x000 0000 x000 "),
    cellx("p x0x0 x0x0 x0x0 x0x0 "),

solo = [
	cellx("p 0000 0000 0000 0000"),
    cellx("p 0000 0000 0000 0000"),
    cellx("p 0000 0000 0000 0000"),

fin = solo;

endgame = [
    cellx("p x[2;^C2;+0.01]000 0000 x[0.1]0x[1]0 00x[1]0 "),
    cellx("p 0000 x000 0000 x000 "),
    cellx("p x0x0 x0x0 x0x0 x0x0 "),
    cellx("p x000 0000 0000 0000 "),
    cellx("p x[^B2]x.00 x[^B2]x.x[^B2]x. x[^B2]x.x[^B2]x.x[^B2]x.0 "),

empty = cellx("p 0000 0000 0000 0000")

function once () {
        const setup = ( instance ) => {
        var intro = []
        var main = []
        var bass = main
        var solo = bass
        var end = [] 
        var count = 0;
        var old_scene = "";

        let x = 100;
        let y = 100;

        instance.setup = function() {
            var x = instance.createCanvas(700, 410);
            x.canvas.style.position = "absolute";

        instance.draw = function() {
        	if (old_scene != current_scene) {
            	old_scene = current_scene;
                count = 0;
    //        instance.clear();
            var c = eval(`${current_scene}`)
       //     instance.image(c[count], 0, 0);
            count += 1
            count = count % c.length;


    let myp5 = new p5(setup,  document.getElementById('canvas-container'));

    Tone.Master.volume.value = -30

    mem["master_filter"] = new Tone.Filter(10000, 'lowpass', -96);
    mem["master_stereo"] = new Tone.StereoWidener({width: 0.50});
    dials[2]["cell"].onChange(function (e) {
        var val = parseFloat(e["data"].value);
        var cutoff_guard = guard([10, 20000]);
        mem["master_filter"].frequency.value = cutoff_guard(val * 10000);
    dials[3]["cell"].onChange(function (e) {
        var val = parseFloat(e["data"].value);
        var volume_guard1 = guard([0,1])
        audio.master.in.gain.value = volume_guard1(val / 10);

	mem.master = new Tone.Channel({channelCount: 2, volume: -10}).chain(  mem["master_filter"],  mem["master_stereo"], Tone.Destination);
    Sample("k", 0, null, -5);
    Sample("sn1",1, null, 0);
    Sample("h",2, 5000, -35);
    Sample("m",3, null, -15);
    Sample("f",4, null, -15);
    name = "s"
    filter = 2000
    volume = -15 
    mem[name + "_filter"] = new Tone.Filter(filter, 'lowpass', -96);
    mem[name + "_delay"] = new Tone.FeedbackDelay("4n", 0.4);
    mem[name + "_channel"] = new Tone.Channel({channelCount: 2, volume: volume, pan: -0.25}).chain(mem[name + "_filter"],   mem[name + "_delay"], mem.master)
    samples[5].connect(mem[name + "_channel"]);
    hit_map[name] = 5;

    Sample("manager",6, null, -15);
    Sample("order",7, null, -15);
    Sample("cr",8, null, -15);
    Sample("piano",9, 400, -15);
   	Sample("sitar",10, 5000, -15);
    const audio = Audio();
    const three = ThreeOhUnit(audio, "sawtooth", {
            "cutoff": 78,
            "resonance": 15,
            "envMod": 4000,
            "decay": 0.5
    audio.master.in.gain.value = 0;
    mem["three"] = three
    // cutoff [30, 700], 400
    // resonance: [1, 30], 15
    // envMod: [0, 8000], 4000
    // decay: [0.1, 0.9], 0.5

    dials[1]["cell"].onChange(function (e) {
        var val = parseFloat(e["data"].value);
        cutoff_guard = guard([30, 700]);
        three.params.cutoff.value = cutoff_guard(val * 1000);

function tweak() {
    var	snare_count = cellx(16);
    snare_count.onChange(function (e) {
        var val = parseInt(e["data"].value);
        if (val == 22) {
      	 	current_scene = "fin";
			p1(8, null, null, 12.25);
	    } else {
           p(1, null, null, "4n")
    Mousetrap.bind(['f2'], function(e) {
    	snare_count(snare_count() + 1)
        if (snare_count() <= 20) {
          setTimeout(function () {
              p(0, null, null, "24n", null );
                setTimeout(function () {
                    p(8, null, null, "2n" );
                    p(10, 0.5, "A2", 1);
                }, delta * 2)
          }, delta * 1.5)
	    return false;


transition = once;

if (bars <= 2) {
	current_scene = "intro";
} else {
//	     mem["three"].step("off");
if (bars == 3) {
	eval_guard ? cue("Start intro") : "";
	current_scene = "intro";


if (bars == 5) {
	eval_guard ? cue("Start drums") : "";
    	current_scene = "main";

if (bars == 12) {
	eval_guard ? cue("Add bass"): "";
    current_scene = "bass";


if (bars == 32) {
	eval_guard ?cue("Reverse "): "";
    current_scene = "bass";


if (bars == 42) {
	eval_guard ? cue("End "): ""
    current_scene = "end";


if (bars == 46) {
	eval_guard ? cue("Solo "): ""
    current_scene = "solo";

    transition = tweak;

patterns = eval(`${current_scene}`);

if (track_no == 1) {
if (count == 0) {
 //   p1(8, null, null, 12.25);


if (isHit) {
    if (current_scene == "intro") {
        if (track_no == 1) {
          p(3, null, null, "1n");
    } else if (current_scene == "fin") {
    } else if (current_scene == "solo") {

    } else if (current_scene == "end") {
        if (track_no == 1) {
            p(0, meta[tick]["volume"], meta[tick]["pitch"], "24n", meta[tick]["delay"] );
        if (track_no == 2) {
        if (track_no == 3) {
    } else if (current_scene == "main") {
        if (track_no == 1) {
            p(0, meta[tick]["volume"], meta[tick]["pitch"], "24n", meta[tick]["delay"] );
        if (track_no == 2) {
        if (track_no == 3) {
        if (track_no == 4) {
            p(3, null, null, "1n");
        if (track_no == 5) {
            if (meta[tick]["pitch"]) {
                mem["three"].step({"glide": true, "accent": false, "note": meta[tick]["pitch"]});
            } else {
        if (track_no == 6) {
           p(5, null, meta[tick]["pitch"], "1n");
     } else if (current_scene == "bass") {
        if (track_no == 1) {
          p(0, meta[tick]["volume"], meta[tick]["pitch"], "24n", meta[tick]["delay"] );
        if (track_no == 2) {
        if (track_no == 3) {
        if (track_no == 4) {
            p(3, null, null, "1n");
        if (track_no == 5) {
            if (meta[tick]["pitch"]) {
                mem["three"].step({"glide": true, "accent": false, "note": meta[tick]["pitch"]});
            } else {
        if (track_no == 6) {
 //          p(5, 0.15, meta[tick]["pitch"], 1);
		//	p(9, 1, meta[tick]["pitch"], 1);

