⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Bitrhythm

Artifact Content

Artifact c6d66e4a494fa32e9646afe018fe0cd0c201e95f00cde7dde4e6b2c9bb9a71fb:

  • File public/nexus-js/README.md — part of check-in [12a9bb700d] at 2021-08-11 18:56:04 on branch trunk — Import from git Added a changelog (user: dev size: 468)


Version 2

NexusUI is a JavaScript toolkit of web audio interfaces and other helper methods for building instruments in the browser.

For more info, see the website.

For documentation and tutorials, see the API.

Join us on our Discord to chat about NexusUI current and future developments. Also join us if you need help using any of the components.