⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Bitrhythm

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Artifact e1d826eabff98f010743ea60a07e058868186ca469881561673a3d5355e2bdcc:

'use strict';

let Interface = require('../core/interface');

* Select
* @description Dropdown menu
* @demo <span nexus-ui="select"></span>
* @example
* var select = new Nexus.Select('#target')
* @example
* var select = new Nexus.Select('#target',{
*   'size': [100,30],
*   'options': ['default','options']
* })
* @output
* change
* Fires any time the interface's value changes. <br>
* The event data is an object containing the text value of the selected option, as well as the numeric index of the selection.
* @outputexample
* select.on('change',function(v) {
*   console.log(v);
* })

export default class Select extends Interface {

  constructor() {

    let options = ['value'];

    let defaults = {
       'size': [100,30],
       'options': ['default','options']


    this._selectedIndex = -1;
    this._value = false;

    this._options = this.settings.options;



  buildFrame() {
    this.element = document.createElement('select');
    this.element.style.fontSize = this.height/2+'px';
    this.element.style.outline = 'none';
    this.element.style.highlight = 'none';
    this.element.style.width = this.width+'px';
    this.element.style.height = this.height+'px';

    this.boundRender = this.render.bind(this);

    this.element.addEventListener('change', this.boundRender);



  attachListeners() {


  buildInterface() {



  colorInterface() {
    this.element.style.backgroundColor = this.colors.fill;
    this.element.style.color = this.colors.dark;
    this.element.style.border = 'solid 0px '+this.colors.mediumLight;

  render() {

    this._value = this.element.options[this.element.selectedIndex].text;
    this._selectedIndex = this.element.selectedIndex;
      value: this._value,
      index: this._selectedIndex


  click() {


  move() {


  release() {


   * Update the list of options. This removes all existing options and creates a new list of options.
   * @param  {array} options New array of options

  defineOptions(options) {

  /*  function removeOptions(selectbox)
        var i;
        for(i = selectbox.options.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
    //using the function:
    removeOptions(document.getElementById("mySelectObject")); */

    if (options) {
      this._options = options;

    for(let i=this.element.options.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {

    for(let i=0;i<this._options.length;i++) {
      this.element.options.add(new Option(this._options[i], i));


  The text of the option that is currently selected. If set, will update the interface and trigger the output event.
  @type {String}
  @example select.value = "sawtooth";
  get value() {
    return this._value;
  set value(v) {
    this._value = v;
    for(let i=0;i<this.element.options.length;i++) {
      if (v === this.element.options[i].text) {
        this.selectedIndex = i;

  The numeric index of the option that is currently selected. If set, will update the interface and trigger the output event.
  @type {number}
  @example select.selectedIndex = 2;
  get selectedIndex() {
    return this._selectedIndex;
  set selectedIndex(v) {
    this._selectedIndex = v;
    this.element.selectedIndex = v;

  customDestroy() {
    this.element.removeEventListener('change', this.boundRender);
