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Artifact Content

Artifact ef009f8984b0a98d523d7134915d5ab5f4a3253f050643a2d0c93c8d029e07c2:

import { SVG_NS } from './../../global-variables'

 * Set the inner html of any DOM node SVGs included
 * @param { Object } container - DOM node where we'll inject new html
 * @param { String } html - html to inject
 * @param { Boolean } isSvg - svg tags should be treated a bit differently
/* istanbul ignore next */
export default function setInnerHTML(container, html, isSvg) {
  // innerHTML is not supported on svg tags so we neet to treat them differently
  if (isSvg) {
    const node = container.ownerDocument.importNode(
      new DOMParser()
        .parseFromString(`<svg xmlns="${ SVG_NS }">${ html }</svg>`, 'application/xml')

  } else {
    container.innerHTML = html